Veurst Roundtable 2024
from 19 April
Milan, Rome, Perugia, Florence
Today’s fast-changing markets
& ethical application of latest technology

Tokyo International Art Fair 2023
The Tokyo International Art Fair features art by award-winning and top emerging artists. Giving Art Collectors and Art Enthusiast a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the artists at Belle Salle Roppongi, Tokyo.

Allfashion Sourcing 2023
Allfashion Sourcing Cape Town (formerly Source Africa) links suppliers, buyers, and more with Messe Frankfurt SA at ATF Expo, a major trade exhibition.

AI and the rise of
Conversational Interfaces
The power of ChatGPT and the massive shift from traditional, click-based interaction with technology to using a natural language. It’s the start of a whole new way to interact with tech, and it’s transforming workplaces across the globe.